Polytechnic Hub

Advantage & disadvantage of LED

The advantages of LED are some of given below:

  1. It has long life compared to lamps.
  2. It has low voltage operation, making them compatible with integrated circuits.
  3. LED are ideal for operation under cold and low outdoor temperature setting.
  4. It is available in verity of colors.
  5. It has light immunity to external noise.
  6. It is more reliable.
  7. It has light immunity to external noise.
  8. It has good adaptability to coherent laser operation.

The disadvantages of LED are some of given below:

  1. It is liable to get damaged by over voltage or over current.
  2. LED are more expensive.
  3. The radiant output power and its wavelength are temperature dependent.
  4. Theoretical overall efficiency is not achieved except in special cooled or pushed conditions