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Difference between active and passive components

There is the difference between active and passive components are given below table.

Active components Passive components
The active component is a device which can amplify the output signal of electronic circuit with more power in it than the input signal. Passive component is a device which control or modify the output of the electronic circuit without playing an active role in its performance.
Active component deliver power or energy to the circuit. The passive element employs the power or energy in the circuit.
It includes the electrical components such as diodes, transistors, integrated circuits (ICs), battery and etc. It includes the electrical components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, conductors and transformers.
It can control the flow of current. It cannot control the flow of current.
It may introduce the gain. It does not introduce any gain.
It requires external source for the operations. It does not require any external source for the operations.
Generally it has unidirectional functions. It has bidirectional function.
It is widely used in personal computers (PC). It is widely used in MP3 player, washing machine and etc.